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I offer a wide range of photographic services at affordable rates.

Follow this link to discover the Photographic Services that are available or select one from the list below.

Architectural Photography

Architectural Photography is about selling the scheme, whether that is to the Planning Department, to the Client or to potential customers. I don't just have to produce an accurate image of the site, it also has to be one that appeals to the viewer. Having the building in the photograph isn't enough; it's about shaping the experience of the customer as they view the image and using the photograph to tell the story that you want to tell.

Good photography isn't just about capturing the moment; it's about capturing the right moment.

Being aware of the latest Landscape Institute guidelines and the advice and technical guidance provided by Scottish Natural Heritage and The Highland Council (amongst others) relating to wind and solar energy production allows the best practice in those fields to inform processes used in the creation of architectural photography. A list of some of the guidelines can be found on the Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) Photography for Wind Turbines and Solar Arrays page which when added to the London View Management Framework (LVMF) SPG and any borough specific local protected view, development plan or tall building policies produces a robust process for the production of architectural images. The use of specifiec equipment including a full frame camera, with professional quality prime lenses (not zooms), on a levelled tripod set to a specified height, with a documented workflow are some of the many common factors that appear within the guidelines and are standard working processes for all forms of architectural photography that I undertake.

Images created following these guidelines and documented by a robust Method Statement including photographic evidence will support your project Visual impact Assessment.

Coxes Lock & Wey Mill

St. George Wharf and Battersea Power Station from Chelsea Bridge

Greenwich Maritime World Heritage Site from Island Gardens

Interested in learning more?

If you've looked through my site and have any questions, I'd be glad to help you. You can contact me on my mobile on 07801 103635 or send me an E-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.