Portfolio - Wide-angle Panoramic Galleries
Each of the following images links to a panoramic gallery, please click on the image to open the gallery. The images were created using a full frame digital camera mounted on a levelled tripod and using a modified spherical panoramic tripod head.
Following the processes in the Verified View Method statement which are based on advice and technical guidance provided by the Landscape Institute, Scottish Natural Heritage and The Highland Council (amongst others) as well as requirements from the London View Management Framework (LVMF) SPG produces a robust process for the production of architectural and panoramic images. A list of some of the guidelines can be found on the Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) Photography for Wind Turbines and Solar Arrays page and the results of those guidelines can be seen below.
Panoramic Architecture
A Night On The River
A Day On The River
Low Light & After Dark #1
Low Light & After Dark #2
G-Live Theatre
London View Management Framework (LVMF)
Night & Day #1
Night & Day #2
360° Panoramas
Little Planet Projection
Panoramic Landscapes
Agriculture #1
Agriculture #2
Agriculture Harvested
Footpaths & Tracks #1
Footpaths & Tracks #2
Hampstead Heath Ponds Project
Mountains, Munros & Hills
Parks & Gardens
Rivers, Lakes & Streams
The Road to Elgol
Roads & Motorways #1
Roads & Motorways #2
Sea & Water #1
Sea & Water #2
Summer & Winter
Viewpoints #1
Viewpoints #2
Wind & Solar Farm Planned Locations
Woodlands & Scrub
Panoramic Interiors
G Live Theatre
Interested in learning more?
If you've looked through my site and have any questions, I'd be glad to help you. You can contact me on my mobile on 07801 103635 or send me an E-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.